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University Tax Compliance

We work to keep NC State staff, faculty and administrators informed about applicable federal and state tax law.

The primary purpose of the Tax Compliance Department is to keep university business officers, staff and faculty, and administrators informed about tax laws and other laws that require university compliance.

It is our goal to ensure that the university is following all applicable state and federal regulations regarding internal and external parties. Key to that is providing accurate and helpful information to everyone who works at NC State.

Below, you’ll find extensive resources concerning tax compliance at NC State.


These guidelines, bulletins, and presentations are intended as general information only. Tax laws are often complex, open to interpretation, and contain exceptions and special cases; please consult with the university tax and compliance manager regarding the tax consequences of planned university transactions.

Recent Tax Updates

Changing federal and state law can have far-reaching effects on how the university conducts its business. Where feasible, the Tax Compliance Department offers broad guidance on how these changes affect NC State and its employees.

Here is some of the latest guidance:

Frequently Asked Questions

To help NC State staff, faculty and administrators address common tax compliance situations, we’ve created dedicated pages to answer your most frequently asked questions.

Contact Us

While we strive to provide general guidance on issues related to the university’s tax obligations, that guidance may not apply in every case. If you have specific questions about tax compliance, please reach out via